Wednesday, December 5, 2007

hello world

"Hello World"

class myfirstjavaprog
public static void main(String args[])
System.out.println("Hello World!");

"Hello IsMeWeiWei"

class myfirstblog
public static voice out(rubbish %^*&[])
weiwei.think.typeIn("Hello IsMeWeiWei!");



wenhui said...

Unbelievable you have created a blog account.
Welcome to blog world and remember to update your blog frequently.
Looking forward to your articles.

EPL said...

lolx...your Java program so gengz! :D
Welcome to blogger's life.. ^^

ismeweiwei said...

haha. i wrote my blog at friendster. Now change my new base :P

Abes said...

Oi....Wei Xian (dangerous).... update your blog le....

Te@m S|@sH said...

waiting for your 2nd blog. Java keng till mou dak deng. bring ur friendster blog to here la.